I kindly request that you read the Contra-indications section before booking your appointment as you may find you are unable to have this form of treatment.
A light, calming massage using blended aromatherapy oils, this massage is personally tailored to the individual’s needs. This massage will treat all areas of the body most prone to stress and tension, such as the back, shoulders and neck, along with the legs, arms, feet and hands.
The blend of incredible oils and the luxurious massage will send you into complete relaxation, and you’ll leave feeling renewed. Even if you just want something to help you achieve well-being, this treatment can help you.
More recently, several studies have started to substantiate some of the very real benefits of aromatherapy, including reducing fatigue and increasing energy, reducing nausea, relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving sleep quality, and decreasing stress.
As with all hands-on holistic therapies, Aromatherapy massage may not be suitable for everyone and certain medical conditions may prevent the use of this treatment, or may require your GP’s consent. Please read the contra-indication for more information.
You will be asked to remove your clothing (except underwear) in privacy and make yourself comfortable on the massage couch, with a large blanket to cover your body. During the massage, only the part of your body being massaged will be exposed, to ensure your modesty. Your chosen aromatherapy massage oil will be applied to the skin to allow free movement of the massage techniques. A full body massage usually treats the back, legs, feet, arms, hands and neck, although this can be adapted to suit your individual requirements or preferences.
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